October 23, 2017
In my experience, employees-at-large are not often thought of as “customers”. To think this way can be a vital mistake in business. Employees and our co-workers are all internal customers whom we serve and partner with in some way, shape, or form. Providing excellent service to them is just as important on the company’s bottom line as the ones who buy our products.
October 12, 2017
It finally feels like Fall in New England! I love the sun-filled cool days and crisp evenings. With each passing day the leaves are changing into brilliant autumn colors. What a wonderful time of year to evaluate your priorities and set new goals for yourself. Above all, focus on living happy and healthy!
January 15, 2017
Well, it’s another New Year – the start of resolutions to live healthier and happier. I’ve never understood why people wait for a new year to make changes. This should be an ongoing daily exercise. Life is too short to wait for certain milestones to occur before taking action. All we have is the present moment. Take a few quiet minutes today to think about your passions and talents. What are you good at? What gives you joy? What do you want to learn? What personal and professional goals do you want to achieve? Is something holding you back? Are you hanging on to sadness, anger, or resentment? I find that journaling is a fabulous tool to help me sort through past and present feelings and think about what I want going forward. This practice allows me to gain clarity and focus. Then it’s up to me to take small daily action steps towards living my truth. Keep it simple and achievable. Wishing you joy and peace!
September 2, 2016
Sometimes your second choice turns out to be the BEST choice.
September 1, 2016
Cannot believe it’s September once again! The summer months flew by as always. Our teachers and kids are back to school. Family vacations are coming to an end. Although the weather remains hot, we know the crisp air is right around the corner. I look forward to the season change. New England foliage is majestic, peaceful, and serene. Leaf peeping trips are the best. Remember to take a few minutes daily to immerse yourself in nature. Take deep calming breaths. Let your whole body soak in the glory.
June 5, 2016
Setting clear intentions is vital to everything I do in life. Maintaining clarity of mind and focused activities drives me forward. Having a clear intent allows me to stay on task with action items that I want to finish by today, tomorrow, next week, or this month. Intent is the secret ingredient for attaining even the smallest of achievements with ease.
May 9, 2016
Having a positive attitude is a key component of living a healthy lifestyle. I know it’s not always easy to do based on certain life circumstances. However, if you reframe the way you see or feel about a situation, you can experience more joy! Turn that negative into a positive! You’ve got this!
March 25, 2016
There is nothing like taking daily brisk walks to boost energy! Brief cardio is a fantastic way to relieve stress and muscle tension. I listen to fun songs on my walks and BOOM – feeling great!
February 25, 2016
It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of February! Time is flying by. I would love to slow it down. This is why it’s so important to be present in the moment. If you find yourself always living in the past or worrying into the future, you’re never truly “showing up” in your own daily life. Every waking second is precious. Don’t let wonderful moments slip away. Easier said than done, I know. But if you make a conscious effort to practice being fully present, it feels amazing! You’ll experience more happiness and gratitude.
December 23, 2015
Wishing everyone happy holidays and best wishes for an amazing New Year!
December 16, 2015
My routine includes practicing daily gratitude. I simply take several minutes a day to quietly reflect on all that is good, inspiring, and plentiful in my life. It may include being thankful for the roof over my head, wonderful family and friends, laughing with my husband, or taking action on career goals. Practicing daily gratitude keeps me in a positive mindset. Sometimes in this crazy world, it’s a challenge to feel joy. But with daily gratitude in my heart and mind, I always find a way to see the glass as half full.
November 21, 2015
As we approach Thanksgiving, I reflect back on the decades of celebrating this joyous holiday with family. I have such fond memories of my mother getting up early to cook a delicious feast for us. I was always asked to set the dining room table. Pretending it was annoying, I actually loved the task! It was so exciting when relatives would walk in the front door. It’s been so long since the whole original bunch of us were together. Seems like forever since my grandparents and oldest brother were with us. But having precious memories allows me to be thankful for the time I shared with them all. I also give thanks for our ever-changing but wonderful family celebrations since then. Wishing all of you a very happy Turkey Day!
October 17, 2015
It’s been quite a while since I last wrote a blog. Too long! I’ve been writing a lot over the past few months. Such a great feeling to be a published magazine writer. I am thrilled to be a part of the writing community and to provide educational, empowering, and inspirational articles to readers.
September 13, 2015
It’s beginning to feel like Fall. I love this time of year in New England! The beautiful foliage, cooler nights, and clear, crisp days are invigorating. I love decorating our home for the Halloween season. Enjoying nature’s beauty provides a sense of peace and serenity. Feeling alive and vibrant!
August 16, 2015
We’re always learning each day. The question is what will you do with the information? Will you be open to accepting it as a life lesson? Will you choose to ignore it? Will you become more self-aware for having had the experience? We all learn. It sometimes happens when we least expect it and may not always be in the form that we envision — but if you soak it in and understand the meaning, it will profoundly change your view.
July 29, 2015
With patience, persistence, guts, and talent, you can begin to make your life’s purpose and passions come true. When one person is kind enough to give you that first big break and you exceed their expectations, great things will follow. Don’t give up!
June 22, 2015
Just looking at an old family picture can evoke intense emotion without anyone saying one word. It can conjure up lost moments that you had forgotten about, that you never knew had been captured, or times that you thought were gone forever. It can bring you right back to that place where your mind had not visited in decades. When they say “a picture is worth a thousand words”, it’s the truth.
May 21, 2015
I have a love/hate relationship with social media, such as Facebook. It’s a great way to reconnect with people from your past, keep up with friends and family, and occasionally make new acquaintances. But when it becomes an outlet for people to constantly prove their popularity, to brag endlessly about their wonderful life, to vent, vent, vent, gain sympathy, or overshare (way too much!), I have to shut it down. It makes me wonder if anyone actually focuses on their jobs during the day. There are many articles discussing the pitfalls of social media. I’ve come to a point where I only check Facebook briefly in the morning and quickly at night. I am mindful that things are definitely not always what they seem. I sleep much happier that way.
May 12, 2015
Volunteering for a health organization, foundation, or charity is such a great way to get involved in promoting and supporting a “cause”. It’s fulfilling to add value and be of service to something much greater than ourselves. It’s even more meaningful when supporting a particular cause is near and dear to our hearts. Networking with fellow volunteers and committee members is a bonus too. Think about the tremendous opportunity to establish new friendships with others who share our passion!
May 7, 2015
In my last blog, I said that everyone has a story to tell. The same holds true for corporations and organizations. They have products and/or services to advertise and sell. There are new clients, customers, or consumers to obtain and current ones to retain. A company’s story must be powerful and engaging, make a lasting impression and, ultimately, prompt target audiences to take the desired actions.
May 3, 2015
Everyone has a story to tell. In particular, my dad used to love sharing some real gems from his youth living with my grandmother. His stories were so freaking hilarious that my stomach hurt from laughing. Storytelling seems to take on a life all its own. How ironic that one’s screwed up and stressful moments make the best tales. These tidbits then get passed down from generation to generation. Simultaneously, family members are having other experiences most likely ripe for the “telling” at a later date. There’s nothing like a good story to engage, entertain, and even teach valuable life lessons. For instance, never try to cover up a shattered glass table with newspapers and think you’ll get away with it.
April 30, 2015
The sky is a beautiful shade of blue today. Bright sunlight is streaming in through the windows. The birds are chirping. Those mountains of snow are a distant memory. I had a superb networking experience earlier. Life is good.
April 29, 2015
It’s a brand new day! Every morning represents the start of a new page in my book (“pun” intended!). Believe in yourself and have faith. Take those action steps to move you closer to your professional and personal goals. When the time is right, it will happen.
April 28, 2015
How can you make a better life for yourself? My oldest brother once told me that patience and persistence are the keys to new opportunities. He also believed everything happens for a reason. Reminds me of that saying “When god closes a door, somewhere he opens a window”. Through the years, my brother and I had many long conversations on our beliefs and life experiences. I learned so much from him and vice versa. Besides being patient and persistent in pursuit of my dreams and goals, I never give up. Ever.
April 26, 2015
I love the collaboration process in the workplace. I’ve always had such amazing and positive experiences working with former team members and business partners. All coming together to design and execute a goal-oriented communication strategy and campaign is a wonderful opportunity to make a real difference. It’s exciting to work on projects that align with important corporate goals.
April 25, 2015
It’s gray and unseasonably chilly out this morning. Sipping my decaf, I’m making progress on my “must-do” list today in pursuit of a fabulous new job. I am confident that great opportunities will come soon. Reflecting for a moment, the act of writing gives me a sense of purpose. When I nail a communication piece that meets the intended goal, it’s like landing a triple sow cow on the ice.
April 24, 2015
The written word is so powerful. Most people typically equate such a statement with a news story. But I think even writing a letter is equally as powerful, if not more so. It’s a chance to express deep emotion, vent anger, ask some questions, acknowledge, and make amends. Writing a letter is a heartfelt effort to connect with another human being.
April 20, 2015
I’ve been focused typing away for a few hours now. Often it is in these most incredibly quiet and still moments of the day that my brain feels super energized. I am brimming with creative ideas. The words flow easily on the page. But it’s time to give my body a restful sleep and replenish my soul. Wishing all of you a happy, healthy, and productive Monday. And if you are a parent who has the week off for school vacation, have a blast with your kids!